Ganna Voievodina

Ganna has been a licensed attorney in Ukraine since 2012. Ganna is a lawyer, with 16 years of legal experience and background. She is an attorney at law admitted to practice in Ukraine.

Anna has several honors degrees: in law and linguistics. In 2022 Ganna started writing a PhD thesis to obtain the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the field of international law studies.

Ganna is an author of Ukrainian Law “About Virtual Assets”. Moreover, her past experience includes the position of senior legal officer of the cryptocurrency exchange EXMO, head of legal department of the international career portal Headhunter.

For 6 years she had been working also a Chief Legal Officer of the cryptocurrency exchange KUNA. She is a founder of Manimama OU (Estonia), Manimama Exchange (Lithuania) and MTU I support Ukraine (Estonia).



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