CASP License in Finland


The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) introduces a unified regulatory framework for crypto-assets across the European Union (EU), promoting legal certainty, investor protection, and market stability. One of the core requirements under MiCA is obtaining a Crypto-Asset Service Provider (CASP) license, mandatory for businesses offering crypto asset services.

This licensing ensures compliance with strict standards on governance, security, and anti-money laundering (AML), enabling licensed CASPs to operate seamlessly across all EU member states. Whether you are an emerging startup or an established operator, obtaining a CASP license is essential to access the EU’s vast and dynamic market for digital assets.

In Finland, the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is the competent authority overseeing CASP licensing under MiCA. Businesses operating or planning to provide crypto-asset services in Finland must adhere to local implementation requirements alongside MiCA’s EU-wide provisions.

Our firm has a thorough knowledge of Finnish law and FIN-FSA requirements, ensuring that your compliance efforts are efficient and effective.

We can help your business meet compliance requirements and unlock the potential of the EU crypto market!

In Finland, the FIN-FSA is the competent authority overseeing CASP licensing under MiCA

Key Numbers about a CASP License in Finland

3 months

average term of obtaining CASP license after application submission

at least several

directors in a CASP

up to €150k

amount of the share capital depending from CASP activity

up to 44%

personal income tax (PIT) rate


corporate income tax (CIT) rate


capital gains tax (CGT) rate


Ganna Voievodina




“Obtaining a CASP license in Finland is essential for businesses offering crypto-asset services and is regulated by the FIN-FSA. Applicants must meet requirements, including robust AML/CFT compliance, a formal governance structure, and sufficient operational capital. Once licensed, CASPs must adhere to ongoing reporting obligations and maintain compliance with Finnish and EU regulations. A CASP license enhances credibility and provides access to the EU market under a clear regulatory framework”

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Types of Activities with a CASP License in Finland

Providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients

This service means safekeeping or controlling, on behalf of third parties, crypto-assets or the means of access to such crypto-assets, where applicable in the form of private cryptographic keys. Holdings of crypto-assets on behalf of the clients shall be segregated from CASP’s holdings.

Operation of a trading platform for crypto-assets

This service contains of the management of one or more multilateral systems, which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying and selling interests for crypto-assets – in the system and in accordance with its rules – in a way that results in a contract, either by exchanging one crypto-asset for another, or a crypto-asset for funds.

Exchange of crypto-assets for funds

This service means the conclusion of purchase or sale contracts concerning crypto-assets with clients for funds by using proprietary capital.

Exchange of crypto-assets for other crypto-assets

This service means the conclusion of purchase or sale contracts concerning crypto-assets with clients for other crypto-assets by using proprietary capital.

Execution of orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

This service means concluding agreements to buy or to sell one or more crypto-assets or to subscribe for one or more crypto-assets on behalf of third parties and includes the conclusion of agreements to sell crypto-assets at the moment of their issuance.

Placing of crypto-assets

This service includes the marketing, on behalf of or for the account of the offeror or of a party related to the offeror, of crypto-assets to purchasers. Before placing the crypto-assets a CASP shall obtain the agreement of the issuers or any third party acting on their behalf.

Reception and transmission of orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

This service means the reception from a person of an order to buy or to sell one or more crypto-assets or to subscribe for one or more crypto-assets and the transmission of that order to a third party for execution.

Providing advice on crypto-assets

This service means offering, giving or agreeing to give personalized recommendations to a third party, either at the third party’s request or on the initiative of the a CASP providing the advice, in respect of one or more transactions relating to crypto-assets, or the use of crypto-asset services.

Providing portfolio management on crypto-assets

This service includes managing portfolios in accordance with mandates given by clients on a discretionary client-by-client basis where such portfolios include one or more crypto-assets.

Providing transfer services for crypto-assets on behalf of clients

This service means transfer, on behalf of a natural or legal person, crypto-assets from one distributed ledger address or account to another. Such service may be provided without virtual currency wallet opened for a CASP’s client.

Benefits of Obtaining a CASP License in Finland

Credibility and trust:

  • Operating under a FIN-FSA license assures customers and partners of a business's legitimacy.
  • It enhances the reputation of the company in the global and EU crypto-asset markets.

Strong legal framework:

  • Finland’s regulatory environment is transparent and aligned with global best practices.
  • Businesses benefit from legal certainty, reducing risks of fines or operational disruptions.

Attracting investors:

  • Licensed CASPs are more likely to attract institutional and private investors due to their regulated status.
  • Regulatory approval indicates financial stability and operational integrity.

Compliance with AML/CFT standards:

  • A CASP license ensures the business is compliant with AML/CFT requirements, reducing the risk of financial crime penalties.
  • This compliance fosters trust among clients, regulators, and business partners.

Facilitating business expansion:

  • Licensing streamlines the process of opening branches or subsidiaries in other jurisdictions.
  • It simplifies cross-border operations due to mutual recognition within the EU.

Customer protection measures:

  • Licensed CASPs must adhere to policies that safeguard customer funds and data.
  • This helps prevent fraud and builds a long-term loyal client base.

Our Services


Incorporation stage

  • Company formation in Finland
  • Provision of a registered address for 1 year
  • Opening corporate bank account and transferring the share capital
  • Appointment and employment of a local director
  • Detailed company structure documentation
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Pre-licensing stage

  • Preparation and submission legal and financial documents (non-exhaustive list) according to MiCA
  • Review of existing policies and procedures, if the company already has them
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Licensing stage

  • CASP license application assistance
  • Conducting communication with the FIN-FSA during the license process
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Step by Step Description

  1. Initial setup

    • Initiating a preliminary project assessment
    • Creating an action plan
    • Preparation and filing of the package of documents
  2. Company registration

    • Choosing and reserving a company name with the Finnish Trade Register (FTR)
    • Preparation of the company’s founding documents
    • Opening a bank account for the company (it is activated when the company is registered in the FTR)
    • Registration of the company with the FTR
    • Payment of the registration fee
  3. Obtaining a CASP license

    • Preparation of documents according to MICA
    • Submission an application to the licensing authority - FIN-FSA
    • Reviewing the application to ensure it is complete (if any documents or information are missing, the applicant will be notified and given a specific deadline to provide the necessary additional documentation)
    • Assessment of the documents` content submitted (a detailed review to verify that all regulatory requirements are met)
    • Requesting of additional details (if applicable)
    • Notification of grant or refusal of the CASP license
    • Granting or refusal notification to European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
    • Publication in ESMA register
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Finnish National Legislation

In Finland, the transition period means that applicants may continue to provide services related to the provision of virtual currency until 30 June 2025 or until authorisation is refused, whichever occurs first


On June 30, 2024, the Act on Crypto Asset Service Providers and Crypto asset Markets 402/2024 (CASPs Act) entered into force in Finland. The provisions of the CASPs Act regarding CASPs came into force on December 30, 2024. The CASPs Act is intended to harmonize Finnish law with the requirements of the MiCA, which establishes common regulatory standards for the cryptocurrency industry across the EU.

Licensing authority:

The FIN-FSA is the regulation and licensing authority. CASPs authorized in Finland are entered in a public register maintained by the FIN-FSA. CASPs authorised in another EU Member State can provide their services in Finland on a cross-border basis. These CASPs authorised in another Member State who have the right to provide their services in Finland are also entered in the FIN-FSA’s public register, in the so-called list of notifications.

Procedure, timelines, fees:

Following the full application of MiCA, i.e. after 30 December 2024, the FIN-FSA must assess within 25 working days of receiving an application for authorisation whether all of the required information has been included in the application. At this stage, however, the FIN-FSA will not assess the quality of the information provided. The FIN-FSA may ask the applicant to supplement the application if some or all of the required information is missing. The FIN-FSA will set a deadline for the submission of any missing information. After the submission of missing information, the FIN-FSA will have 40 working days to make a qualitative assessment of the application. During this period, the FIN-FSA has the opportunity to submit additional requests for clarification, but only the first of these requests will suspend the 40 working day assessment period, for a maximum of 20 working days.

The CASP application process in Finland should generally be carried out in Finnish, but some materials are also accepted in English (for example the attachments for the application).

A fee is charged for processing an authorization application. A processing fee is charged for both positive and negative decisions. If the processing of a case is suspended due to the applicant’s withdrawal of their application, a fee will be charged for costs incurred in processing the case up to the time of cancellation.

Transition period:

Companies currently providing services related to virtual currency by virtue of registration granted by the FIN-FSA must also apply for a new authorisation under the MiCA in order to continue their activities. Nationally, provision has been made for a transition period for those virtual currency providers registered by the FIN-FSA that had:

  • actually provided services related to virtual currency when the CASPs Act entered into force (30 June 2024); or
  • received a registration as a virtual currency provider from the FIN-FSA no more than 6 months before the entry into force of the CASPs Act (30 June 2024).

The transition period means that applicants within its scope may continue to provide services related to the provision of virtual currency until 30 June 2025 or until authorisation is refused, whichever occurs first.

Requirements for Obtaining a CASP License in Finland

Capital requirements for a CASP vary depending on what services the company will provide - from €50,000 to €150,000

Physical office requirements

A CASP shall have a registered office in Finland where it carries out at least part of their crypto-asset services.

Requirements for key persons

  1. Senior managers (directors):

    • Number: MICA does not specify a minimum and maximum number of directors. However, MICA states (part 2, article 59) that there shall be at least several directors.
    • Residency requirements: At least one director must be an EU resident.
    • General requirements: Directories must have a solid reputation, necessary skills, and relevant experience.
    • Required documents:
      1. a clean criminal record;
      2. a detailed CV;
      3. statements on time commitment and past professional conduct.
  2. Shareholders:

    • Number: MICA does not specify a minimum and maximum number of shareholders.
    • Residency requirements: There is no restriction.
    • General requirements: Shareholders must have a solid reputation, necessary skills, and relevant experience.
    • Required documents:
      1. a clean criminal record;
      2. an ownership structure chart.

Capital requirements

Capital requirements vary depending on what services the company will provide:

Class 1: A CASP authorized for the following crypto-asset services:

  • execution of orders on behalf of clients;
  • placing of crypto-assets;
  • providing transfer services for crypto-assets on behalf of clients;
  • reception and transmission of orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients;
  • providing advice on crypto-assets; and/or
  • providing portfolio management on crypto-assets.

Minimum capital requirements - €50,000.

    Class 2: A CASP authorized for any crypto-asset services under Class 1 and:

    • providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients;
    • exchange of crypto-assets for funds; and/or
    • exchange of crypto-assets for other crypto-assets.

    Minimum capital requirements - €125,000.

      Class 3: A CASP authorized for any crypto-asset services under Class 2 and:

      • operation of a trading platform for crypto-assets.

      Minimum capital requirements - €150,000.

      Documentation requirements

      There are list of documents that must be submitted with the application:

      1. Documents required for all CASPs:
        • The articles of association of the applicant CASP
        • Identity and proof of good repute, knowledge, skills, experience and of sufficient time commitment of the members of the management body
        • Information relating to shareholders or members with qualifying holdings
        • A program of operations setting out the types of crypto-asset services that the applicant CASP wishes to provide, including where and how these services are to be marketed
        • A description of the applicant CASP’s prudential safeguards (insurance policy)
        • A description of the applicant CASP’s governance arrangements and internal control mechanisms
        • A description of the applicant CASP’s business continuity plan
        • Detection and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (full packet of policies)
        • Descriptions both in technical and non-technical language of applicant CASP’s IT systems and security arrangements
        • A description of the applicant CASP’s procedures to handle complaints from clients
      2. Documents required in case CASP wishes to offer services in other countries:
        • List of EU countries where the company wishes to offer its services
      3. Documents required for certain services (each of the 10 services requires its own documents):
        • Custody and administration policy
        • A description of the procedure for the segregation of client’s crypto-assets and fund
        • The operating rules of the trading platform and market abuse detection
        • Information on the exchange of crypto-assets for funds or other crypto-assets (commercial policy)
        • The execution policy
        • Information on the provision of advice or portfolio management on crypto-assets
        • Information on transfer services

      Taxes in Finland

      The CIT rate of 20% applies to the profits of LLCs, cooperatives and other corporate entities

      Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

      The CIT rate of 20% applies to the profits of limited liability companies (LLCs), cooperatives and other corporate entities. Corporate entities are treated as independent taxpayers: the profit they receive is subject to income taxation and seen as corporate income, taxable to the LLC or cooperative society itself.

      The profit subject to income tax is calculated by income source. Two sources exist: the business source of income and the agricultural source of income.

      The company or cooperative must send prepayments in the course of the tax year in order to build an advance balance toward their income tax for that year. The size of the prepayments is based on latest assessment results. This usually means the company’s or cooperative’s income tax return from the previous year.

      Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

      Capital income is the income generated through the possession of wealth, such as rental income, gains from selling an asset, dividend income, certain interest income, proceeds from a life insurance contract, and the share of profits of an investment fund. That is, income derived from investments that the taxpayer has made is taxed as capital income.

        The amount of tax depends on transactions and how much you earn. For capital gains, you will pay:

        • 30% on crypto gains €1,000 - €30,000
        • 34% on crypto gains over €30,000

        Personal Income Tax (PIT)

        PIT in Finland is progressive, meaning that the tax rate increases as income rises. The PIT rates for Finland for 2025 are as follows:

        1) State income tax schedule 2025:

        • 12,64% for income €0 - €21,200
        • 19% for income €21,200 - €31,500
        • 30,25% for income €31,500 - €52,100
        • 34% for income €52,100 - €88,200
        • 41,75% for income €88,200 - €150,000
        • 44,25% for income over €150,000

        2) Income tax rates of municipalities range from 5,3% to 19,7%

        3) Municipal income tax rate for non-residents (taxpayers living permanently abroad) - 7,5%

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        Frequently Asked Questions

        • What is a CASP license in Finland?
          The CASP license allows companies to legally offer crypto asset services in Finland.
        • Who issues the CASP license in Finland?
          The FIN-FSA issues CASP licenses.
        • What services can be provided under a CASP license?

          It allows services such as:

          • 1) Providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of clients
          • 2) Operation of a trading platform for crypto-assets
          • 3) Exchange of crypto-assets for funds
          • 4) Exchange of crypto-assets for other crypto-assets
          • 5) Execution of orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients
          • 6) Placing of crypto-assets
          • 7) Reception and transmission of orders for crypto-assets on behalf of clients
          • 8) Providing advice on crypto-assets
          • 9) Providing portfolio management on crypto-assets
          • 10) Providing transfer services for crypto-assets on behalf of clients
        • What are the key requirements to obtain a CASP license in Finland?
          Companies must meet physical office requirements, requirements for managers and shareholders, minimum capital requirements, documentation requirements.
        • Is it mandatory to have a physical office in Finland to obtain a CASP license?
          Yes, a local office in Finland is required for regulatory oversight.
        • Is there a minimum capital requirement for obtaining a CASP license?
          Yes, applicants must meet specific financial and operational adequacy standards, but the exact minimum capital depends on the services offered (€50,000, €125,000, €150,000).
        • What is the process for applying for a CASP license?
          The process involves submitting an application to FIN-FSA with detailed documentation on the company structure, management, AML policies, and financial plans, etc.
        • How long does it take to obtain a CASP license?
          The preparation of documents and the review process typically takes several months, depending on the completeness of the application and the authority's workload.
        • What are the fees associated with obtaining and maintaining a CASP license?
          Application and annual supervision fees apply, and they vary based on the scale of services provided.
        • What is the role of management in meeting CASP license requirements?
          The management team must demonstrate relevant experience, integrity, and the ability to manage crypto-related risks.
        • Can an individual apply for a CASP license, or is it limited to companies?
          The CASP license is typically issued to legal entities, not individuals.

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